2021 HIV Hackathon
Africa and East Europe
Complete solution (app, server) for sexually active people to provide safety from STDs or STIs around the globe based on AI or connections.
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Axel Ország-Krisz Dr. (Data Scientist,AI/ML Engineer)
Richárd Ádám Vécsey Dr. (Data Scientist,AI/ML Engineer)
create match event
Match event is a euphemism for sexual intercourse. One click on set match button is easy and costs less seconds than lighting a cigarette after sex… but using CoitoCare is much healthier of course.
set protection details
You can set up in CoitoCare if you protect yourself during the intercourse. The app handles PrEP, Condom and PEP protections. This information is useful to track diseases and potential infections.
add partner(s)
The last step is to read the QR codes from each others’ phone. If more than two people are involved, they have to read all QR codes. It can store easily either a dyadic relation or a swinger as well.
set disease details (optional at anytime)
Hope you never use this part, but if you have an STD or STI, please sign it in the app to help warn others and make better predictions. We can fight and beat diseases or cut off the spread together.
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