2021 HIV Hackathon
Hive Healthcare
Hive Healthcare
Africa and East Europe
A mobile application that applies AI to address HIV related concerns, inclusive for people with language barriers, impairments, disabilities
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Kim D. Huynh (AI/ML Engineer,Mobile Developer)
Naomi Eskinder Woudneh (Student)
Dharani Balakumar (Researcher,Student)
Select from 2 options
Option 1 enables users to interact with an AI bot to address HIV concerns. Option 2 is used as a means to provide a brief set of frequently asked questions about HIV/AIDS.
Option 1. Interact Component with an AI bot
In option 1, users can submit concerns using speech recognition by converting speech to text. The app provides users with real-time feedback using text-to-speech in any given language.
Option 2. Select information Component
In option 2, users can view facts in a text-based format, such as misconceptions, various stages of symptoms, & helpful sources to gain a better understanding of how they can be impacted by the virus.
(Optional) Change language
Users can change the language that the bot recognizes and respond to accordingly.
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